Saturday 9th August 2025

The Fabulous 2024 SHOW was a great success, here are some pictures.

Gui Godts comes to Slaley Show

Come and see the amazing Main Ring Show - get a taste for what you can experience from the video above!


skip the adverts and look at minute three and beyond


About Slaley Show

This annual exhibition of produce, livestock and skilled craftsmanship by the local community of Slaley and surrounding districts has seen many changes in its history; it has continued to survive and prosper nevertheless, to become one of the best village shows in Northumberland. Successive generations have worked hard to maintain the Victorian tradition of an annual 'get-together' of local people competing in friendly rivalry, or simply chatting over a cup of tea and a sandwich.

It began life in 1845 as the Slaley and Hexhamshire Floral and Horticultural Society Show, but by 1870 it was known as the Annual Sunday School Festival and Flower Show, and in 1902 it changed its name again to Slaley Flower, Butter and Poultry Show. It has changed venue from the Stanegarth Garden, behind Orchard House and behind the Rose & Crown, to its present location at Townhead in 1916. Similarly, the number and types of classes have changed over time; initially only flowers, vegetables, bread and eggs were shown, with animals being restricted to best dressed chickens! Gradually, classes for sheep, calves, poultry, goats and more recently alpacas were introduced, whilst the Industrial Section, encompassing everything from baking to photography, knitting to stick dressing, goes from strength to strength, attracting over 1000 entries in 2018.

Competitive sports have always proved popular, whether motor cycles or terrier racing, children’s games or the spills and thrills of the horse and pony classes, which now attracts competitors from far afield.

In its long history, the show has faced many setbacks and some cancellations (two World Wars, Foot and Mouth outbreaks in 1966 and 2001, heavy rain in 1956, 2004, 2011 and 2019 and COVID19 in 2020). Each successive committee has not panicked, but simply soldiered on, knowing it has a long and rich tradition to maintain and enhance wherever possible. 

Slaley Show Membership

Have you considered becoming a member of Slaley Show? Membership benefits include: the right to vote at the AGM, notification of all events throughout the year, membership badges which enable free entry to the show, early schedules and being a vital part of supporting your local village agricultural show.

Contact the Membership Secretary

Contact the office of the Secretary

Contact :

Contact the Horse and Pony Secretary

for phone queries call the Chair

Contact: tba

Contact the Trade and Craft Secretary

contact the Treasurer

Contact the Children's Section Secretary

Contact the Treasurer


When you send your booking form back, please also send a                   RISK ASSESSMENT (see a slightly mocked-up risk assessment template below if you are not sure), and a copy of your PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE

How to find us and what is on the Showground

subject to weather related changes