
Can you help?

Volunteers Welcome

Volunteers Welcome

           Putting the show on is a joint effort by many people, and new volunteers are always welcome.   There are jobs to do on the evenings in the run up to the show – Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August, then all day on Friday 9th August.  Any help, even just for an hour, would be much appreciated.  
If you would like to be involved on the day, we also are looking for  helpers with taking money on the gates, this would just be for an hour or two.  
Then there is the short but strenuous task of taking everything down on Sunday between 10 and 1 pm.  
Please contact Fiona Pattinson, our new Show Secretary, on 07766 467 455, or Catherine Lincoln on 0791 812 0125, or any of the Committee, if you can help. 

Can you help?

Can you help?