Agricultural Show


Pot Plants in Bloom

July 21, 2019
Do you have a beloved pot plant to share and show with Slaley folk? Why not enter classes 21 - 33?SCHEDULES & ENTRY FORMS...
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Are your Sweet Peas blooming? Are your Dahlias delightful and your Gladioli glorious? Can you cut  some flowers for the Cut Flower classes in the Horticultural Section? Entries are unlimited and at 40p each the more you enter the more likely that you can win the Trygill...
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Look out your 12oz Jam Jars

Have you had a glut of berries and currants this year? Is your marmalade magic? Are you chuffed with your chutney? Why not enter the Slaley Show Preserves Classes this year? Just go to the Schedules page on the website where there is information and an entry form....
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